Monday, February 27, 2012

Monday, February 27, 2012

Monday, February 27, 2012

Beginning this week the grade 1 students will have 10 spelling words.

Grade 1
Spelling words:
  1. make
  2. came
  3. lake
  4. game
  5. shake
  6. ate
  7. tape
  8. come
  9. mice
  10. price
Grade 2 Spelling words:
  1. have
  2. give
  3. love
  4. from
  5. live
  6. friend
  7. much
  8. such
  9. old
  10. told
  11. spice
  12. advice
The word family taught today was the -ice family. We brainstormed words such as nice, spice, mice, advice, dice, etc.. Please practice these words with your child this week.

Sight words this week are:

Grade 1 - big, little

Grade 2 - real, really, clean, drink

A reminder that Wednesday, Feb. 29th is Anti-Bullying Day. Please wear Pink to show your support and stand up to bullying.

A reminder that Wednesday is also is Hot Dog Day.

Don't forget to do your home reading every night. It is encouraged to take the same book home several nights in a row to practice fluency, especially at the higher levels. Please also ensure that your child brings his/her home reading book back to school everyday.

Please practice basic math facts on a regular basis.

Tomorrow is PE so please make sure your child has proper indoor footwear. Students should have indoor shoes that fit their feet properly. If your child is still unable to tie his/her shoes, please send a pair of Velcro shoes for indoors. Thank you for your cooperation.

Have a great evening!
Mrs. G