Monday, October 31, 2011

Monday October 31, 2011

A big THANK YOU to all of the parents who helped out today for our Halloween activities. The costumes were awesome!!!

Grade 2 Spelling Words:
  1. add
  2. ask
  3. came
  4. name
  5. ride
  6. bone
  7. save
  8. kite
  9. cute
  10. mine
  11. skin
  12. pumpkin
Our word family of the week is the -in family. For example words such as pin, sin, skin, pumpkin, chin and twin. Please practice this word family with your children this week.

The following sight words will be taught tomorrow. Grade 1's will learn blue and yellow
Grade 2's will learn leaf, leaves and colour. They will also practice how to make words plural.

A reminder that tomorrow and Wednesday have an early dismissal of 12:30. I will start my parent teacher interviews at 1:00 so please be on time to pick up your child.

A reminder that Wednesday November 2nd photo retakes will take place in the morning. If you requested photo retakes, please do not wear green or white on Wednesday as it interferes with the screen that the photographers use. Thanks!

Have a safe and fun Halloween night tonight!!!

Mrs. G