Monday, January 9, 2012

Monday January 9, 2012

Today we attended Buzz Brass at the Sagebrush Theatre as part of our Young People's Concert series. It was a very fun and informative performance that showcased music throughout the ages.

Grade 1 Spelling words:
  1. not
  2. on
  3. dog
  4. got
  5. the
  6. jump
Grade 2 Spelling words:
  1. less
  2. tell
  3. well
  4. will
  5. still
  6. off
  7. letter
  8. little
  9. silly
  10. happy
  11. stump
  12. clump
The word family taught today was the -ump family. We brainstormed words such as stump, dump, jump, pump, plump, clump, bump, etc.. Please practice these words with your child this week.

Grade 2 sight words this week are: keep, round, around

Grade 1 sight word this week is: with

Don't forget to do your home reading every night. It is encouraged to take the same book home several nights in a row to practice fluency, especially at the higher levels. Please also ensure that your child brings his/her home reading book back to school everyday.

Tomorrow is PE so please make sure your child has proper indoor footwear.

Have a great evening!
Mrs. G