Monday, April 30, 2012

Monday, April 30, 2012

Spelling Grade 1 
  1. went
  2. sent
  3. ant
  4. bend
  5. find
  6. mind
  7. kind
  8. want
  9. seed
  10. greed
Spelling Grade 2
  1. birthday
  2. people
  3. present
  4. candle
  5. cake
  6. children
  7. gifts
  8. party
  9. game
  10. bring
  11. need
  12. greedy 
The word family this week is the -eed family. We brainstormed words such as seed, need, feed, agreed, greedy, speed, etc.

Sight words this week:

Grade 1: are, too

Grade 2: mall, by, buy, new, money

Report cards are being sent home today with your child. Please sign the envelope under the term 2 section and return the envelope to school as soon as possible. Thanks so much!

Have a great evening,

Mrs. G